Andy Tinkham
Security Architect
Puzzle Enthusiast
August 31, 2012
TWiST #111: Hands On Testing, Part I

In 2012, Matt Heusser and Michael Larsen had me back on TWiST as part of a group talking about our hands-on sessions to be held at STP.Con that year. Here’s the show notes:

STP-CON Fall 2012 is just around the corner. There wil be a special track, one dedicated to hands on, real world, active, get into guts of things and get dirty software testing. to commemorate this, Matt gathered together several of the speakers and presenters that will be participating in this event. Andy Tinkham, Mark Tomlinson, Brian Gerhart and Todd Schultz describe their discussions and presentations for the Hands on Testing Track. Ranging from troubleshooting to performance and active exploration, there’s something for everyone, and maybe even then some.

Click play and get a jump on everyone else to hear the ideas on this track and what to expect. Come on, click play, you know you want to! [Free login required]

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